Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monument Valley, Goosenecks State Park Utah - Monday 3rd May 2010

Had another scenic drive today as we went through Monument Valley.  Saw all the famous buttes that have been used in numerous movies and commercials over the years.  It was interesting that although it's a desert there is a smattering of snow on the tops of the buttes.  Like icing sugar on a cake.

Monument Valley

Travelled a bit further through a small town called Mexican Hat and you can see by the picture below why it's called that.

Mexican Hat

Decided to camp in a small state park called Goosenecks.  When we got in there it turns out that it is world famous as the finest example of entrenched meanders in the world.  It's like a mini Grand Canyon and we camped on the edge of it for free.  There were only two RV's in the whole place and one of them was us.  Probably the best free campsite I've ever seen.  This place is massive and eerily beautiful.

Goosenecks State Park Utah

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