Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hot Stuff, Thermopolis – Saturday, 29th May 2010

Drove down the other side of the mountain through a beautiful canyon to Thermopolis who boast the largest hot springs in the world. This is the second place we’ve been to that has the largest hot springs in the world so we’re doing okay. These ones are in a state park and are free but you’re only supposed to be in there for 20 minutes. Well needless to say we got kicked out after we’d been in there for 2 hours. We pleaded innocent and said we thought you only had to get out of the water every 20 minutes, not leave the place. So we got away with that one. Got a great free shower and all.

Thermopolis hot springs
Don't you love the name of this town - feels like somewhere Clark Kent would live

Now that we were so clean and didn’t need a shower we went boondocking (free camped on the side of the road) out of town as the campgrounds were both full for memorial weekend.

Calcification of the rocks from the spring

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