Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Calgary - Tuesday 31 August 2010 - Winding up

Well, we're in Calgary still hanging around like a bad smell. On Friday we went to the Calgary World of Science to see an exhibition called Body World.  This is one of the most weirdest exhibitions we have ever seen.  The whole exhibition is done using cadavers that have been plastinated.  This is a process where they suck the water and fat out of the body and replace it with acetone.  After a couple of days they then suck the acetone out under vacuum while at the same time forcing in polymer which results in a body that they can slice, dice and do whatever they want with.  Although it sounds very gory, it was fascinating to see all the workings inside the bodies.  People sign donation forms for their bodies to be used in this way prior to death.  Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos but if you want to have a look at some you can look up plastination on the internet and see what I'm talking about.

Here's one photo I copied from the internet

On Sunday morning we went for breakfast at a local hotel and then off to a car show in Bowness.  The weather wasn't too good so there weren't that many cars but we enjoyed the ones that were there and the boys had fun talking to the car owners.

1955 Ford Crown Victoria (a rare car that we have never seen before)

1970's Malibou

After the car show we went to Hexters Hotel where they had a 9 piece blues band doing a jam session.  The music was great and we actually got to have a few dances and talk about rusty, we definitely need lessons.  The place had quite a few negroes dressed in the traditional jazz outfits eg. zoot suits.  Unfortunately we didn't have the camera so didn't get photos of these cool guys.

We're in the process of winding things up.  We have a dealer who is buying the truck and RV but we have to do a trip back to the border to get the import papers which we will be doing on Thursday and Friday so hopefully this will all go off without any hitches.  It's about a 4 hour trip down there and then we will come back and drop it all off at the dealer.

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