Sunday, June 11, 2017

9th June - Mouse hunting

Today we drove out to Casey Keys and along to Nokomis and Venice Beach.  To get there you drive along a thin winding road past the houses of all the rich and famous people.  The houses are massive and ornate and oozing money.  They rope off any possible area where you could park or walk to the foreshore as they think they can have it privately to themselves although that is not legal.  We managed to stop out the front of Steven Spielbergs home for a minute or two without being chased off.


                                                              Mouse hunting

At the end of the key we arrived at the public beach so parked the car and went for a walk along the breakwall.

Nokomis Beach

We saw this cute heron that looks like he has shoes on

                                                     We  also saw this lovely little bird

Venice Beach in the distance

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