Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tuesday 19th September 2017 - Into North Carolina

Moon and Cherie have left us to head towards home and visit some relatives on the way and we will meet up with them again at their house in a few weeks.

We're travelling towards the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway 

On the way we stopped at an Indian village in Virginia

So far this is the closest we've come to seeing a bear.

We were taken around by a lady who's aunts and uncles still live in the traditional way.  We were amazed to find out that there are about 700 communities in the states still living the traditional way.

Nice chamois dress Hughie

Two days on the Blue Ridge Mountain

Many overlooks with far vistas, we are up about 3,500 ft,  It is a little hazy so hard to show the view in a photo.

A close up of Stone Mountains granite face

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