Monday, October 2, 2017

Saturday 30th September 2017 - Back in Alabama

We're now nearing the end of our holiday and slowly coming back down south through some of the states we were in before on our way north.  We are catching some different perspectives as we're travelling a slightly different route.  Today we found this wonderful gem in the form of Providence Canyon.  It is called the Grand Canyon of the Eastern States and although it is much smaller it very much reminded us of Bryce Canyon in the West.  You be the judge.

Now I also have some more 'Only in America's' for you

Took this sneaky photo of a guy out with his wife and kid for the day and an obvious gun hanging off the side of his jeans.  Of course this is just what you need for keeping that pesky little bugger in line.  We ran into them later on the trail and up close we could see that he not only had a gun but a knife and an axe as well.  Was very tempted to ask why all the Rambo stuff but just shook my head and walked away.   

Now the next one I did not get a photo of.  We were driving along the interstate when coming the other way we saw a motorhome about the same size as ours (30ft+) towing a small car which you might think is normal and it is but this guy also had a 25ft bass boat towing along behind the car.  I hope he doesn't get led astray by his GPS up some small alley like we have done on a number of occasions. He must have been nearly as long as a road train. 

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