Thursday, June 7, 2018

Saturday 2nd June 2018 - Pagosa Springs Colorado

Saturday 2nd June 2018 – Pagosa Springs Colorado

After a beautiful Walmart sunset last night (due to the distant fire) we drove into town for a soak in the hot springs.  This was great after all the dust of the last few days due to dry conditions and strong winds.  We ended up staying in there for the whole morning as we kept meeting nice people to talk to.  We looked like a couple of prunes when we finally got out of there.

Minnie thinks this looks pretty good, we might have to take her in

We had 23 pools to choose from and all different temperatures

Now our plan was to head for Durango and then up to Silverton (an old gold mining town) before going into the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.  Well we had heard there was a fire up that way but the roads were still all open.  We got as far as Durango and started heading north on the 550 only to get about a mile out of town and turned around by a road closure.  So what to do, we had a quick look at our map and decided to head west to Cortez where we spent the night.  A good thing we left as we’ve since heard that the town of Durango was now under threat as well.

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