Monday, June 18, 2018

Sunday 17th June 2018 - More Montana

Saturday 16th June 2018 - Leaving Butte

We had rain overnight,  the first lasting rain we've had on the whole trip so far.  Before we left Butte we walked across the road to the cemetery to visit Evil Knievel's grave site.  We then moved on to Fairmont Hot Springs near Anaconda for another half day soak in some Hot Springs.  It rained all morning but because we were under water it didn't really matter.  It was a little chilly getting out though.  Anyway, that got us a hot shower as well so then all we had to do was find a campsite for the evening which we did in the forest.  It was still cold and it had snowed here just last night so we got a campfire going.  That kept us warm till bedtime.  We now are using 3 blankets and wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt to bed.  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Evil's grave, somebody left him an empty Jack Daniels bottle or maybe it had been full and somebody decided to drink it.

Nice and hot with a huge waterslide if you're so inclined.  Met a nice couple in there from Bozeman and probably stayed in too long and also met a guy from Sydney as well.

Our camp in the forest and by now it's stopped raining which is good.

Sunday 17th June 2018 - Philipsburg

This morning we visited a little old town called Philipsburg.  It was very quaint and has a sapphire mine near the town so of course there were plenty of gem shops and also a place where you could purchase a  bag of dirt and sieve it yourself to get your own sapphires.  We would have much prefered to go out onto the field and dig our own dirt.

Over another mountain pass, this one not so big.  Beaverhead/Deer Lodge National Forest.  See the water coming out from under the rocks in the mountain  

The whole area up here has had about 130% snowfall this season so all the rivers and creeks are running like crazy.

All the rocks were coming vertically out of the ground, you can imagine the force that must have caused that.


Caught up with a couple of old girlfriends in this shop, you know who you are B and P

Now I don't want to boast but we are resourceful.  We needed a dump point for the RV so pulled into a state park where they wanted $34 for a site for the night but all you got was power and water but no dump point.  So I quickly looked on the internet and found a service station that had a dump point so we went there to dump and fill and then drove on through Missoula to the outskirts of town where we saw people camping at a casino and plugged into power so in we went.  We went to the front desk and asked how much to plug into their power and they came out and hooked us up for free.  How's that?  Of course we will go in and spend a little money later after we've had a couple of drinks in the RV first.

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