Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sunday 19th August 2018 - Back to Boise Idaho

Sunday 19th August 2018

With the wedding all done and a big cooked breakfast with all the left over guests we headed off back  towards Boise for Stacha to catch her flight to Poland.  Along the way we came across 'Craters of the Moon' State Recreation Area where we did a 7 mile loop road drive through all the lava,  the pahoehoe which is the smooth flowing type and the ah-ah which has cooled quicker and is in jagged rocks.  This volcano last erupted about 2,000 years ago.  Our campsite was literally surrounded by lava and you can see why it's called craters of the moon.

Here is a tiny tree starting to grow within the lava showing how resilient nature is

We climbed to the top of the cinder cone for a great view over the lava flow area

You can see our motorhome at the bottom giving you an idea of how high this cone is

This tree needed a little help

This is the top where all the lava spewed out of

These little clumps of flowers were growing all over the area

We went into the visitors centre for a video of the formation of the area

After dinner we went for another walk

Beautiful miniature flower

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