Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday 9th September 2018 - The last Post - Back to Las Vegas Nevada

Saturday 8th September 2018 - Back to Nevada

This morning we went into St George Utah and visited the Dinosaur Museum.  This was discovered by a Mr. Johnson who was digging on his property to erect a building and discovered the tracks of many dinosaurs.  The site is much like Lark Quarry in Australia where the actual tracks on the ground have been covered by a building to protect them.  It was quite interesting and something our grandkids would love.

Footprints in the sandstone

After the Dinosaur museum we drove into the Valley of Fire which is not far from Las Vegas where we have to return the rental motorhome.  What a wonderful place.  The rock formations are amazing.  The temperature soared to over 100F  about 40c so was pretty hot.  Luckily we were on power and could use the air conditioning.

We've arrived back in Las Vegas and booked into an RV resort with a pool and spa.  We've soaked and swam all afternoon and into the night so are feeling completely relaxed for our flight home tomorrow.

Thank you to all of you who have been reading my blog and thank you to America for another successful holiday.

The end

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