Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gumbo and the south 16th March 2010

Well, we've certainly been trying the truck out.  Travelled along the big interstate freeway yesterday and stayed at a place called Lafayette.  This is the birthplace of Zydeco music.  I think it's a kind of guitary thingo.  Anyway, we decided to head down town to 'The Jazz Club' which I'd found on the internet.  Well, it was Monday night and the street had lots of character and there were some bars open but the address I had was nothing to do with a jazz club.  Needless to say we were the only people walking around the street and apart from about 2 or 3 people in the bars there was nothing happening.  Now we did think that it was just too early in the night at 7.00pm and they might all show up at 9.00pm but we weren't waiting as the only music we could hear was head banging.  So, we went back to the hotel and ate at Shoney's next door.  Still in search of gumbo.  We've had a few experiences of addresses that aren't what they seem.  Thank goodness for the GPS in the car or we'd be completely stuffed.

Bayou at Welcome Centre on Louisiana State Border

1 comment:

  1. hi minni
    hows your holiday going ???
    we miss you
    but looks like you are having fun
    see you soon
    luv trace cors &kids
