Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bighorn Mountain National Forest Wyoming – Friday,28th May 2010

Well we left Devil’s Tower and shuffled off to Buffalo where we had lunch. We then travelled up the Bighorn Mountain where we found a great campsite by the raging river.

                                       Have a look at this, our next door neighbour and his rig.

                          Only in America can you get around with a gun rack on your pushbike

And also only in America can you buy your gun at the supermarket while you are buying your groceries.

We went for a walk up past the campground and found all these beautiful cabins nestled in the hills. A lot of them were still empty and quite a few were still inaccessible from the snow but we found one where the owners were out in the backyard around a campfire so got talking to them and ended up around the fire drinking beer and wine with them. Their son who was visiting them is from Alaska so got some good tips on travelling there so may just venture on up there at a later stage.

Bighorn Mountains (beautiful)

Wouldn't you love a weekender here

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