Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Florida or bust 18-22 March 2010

Well, that was enough of New Orleans, time to move on, we headed further east into Alabama.  Didn't get very far when we came accross the welcome centre where they were doing free tours of the John C Stennis NASA rocket testing facility.  So off we went and didn't get back till lunchtime.  It was very interesting and that was the place where they tested the Saturn V rocket that propelled Apollo 11 on their journey to the moon amongst many other missions including the Challenger which blew up killing 7 crew members.

One hell of a big engine                                                                                                                                
Rocket tester

                                                                                                     Scale model of the shuttle

After leaving the NASA centre we travelled along a scenic route down into the Gulf of Mexico where we saw lots of nice beaches with very white sand but lot's of gaps in the housing and lots of derelict buildings that had been hit by Hurricane Katrina and have never been repaired.  I believe these would have been people who owned their own homes but were uninsured.  It is a beautiful place but the empty gaps are very poignant.

Empty lots with just concrete slabs and pylons

There are quite a few new houses but not as many as you would expect after 5 years.

Friday 19th March we arrived at Cherie and Moon's place in Southport, Panama City after being led on a goose chase by our GPS Fred (Friggin ridiculous electronic device).  They took us down to the gulf shores where there are lot's of tourist type shops and bars.  We found a bar with a good band playing and actually had a dance.  First one in the USA so far.  Walked out on the jetty then went to a restaurant called Boondocks for tea (on the water of course).

Saturday, 20th March 2010

Cherie and Moon took us out for the day in their boat.  The weather was clear and the sun was out but the wind is still a little chilly here so we didn't take the swimmers.  I always presumed that Florida was always hot and humid like Queensland but it's not.  It can get quite cold.  A two blanket job at night.  Anyway, we had a lovely day, had lunch at Uncle Ernie's (on the water of course) and had a close encounter with the dolphins before heading back home.

Spot the dolphin

Cherie and Moon great people

Saturday night Cherie and Moon invited some friends over for a slow country boil which is shrimp(prawns), corn, potatoes and sausage boiled in a big pot and then drained and tipped out onto newspaper laid out on the table and then you just dig in.  What a good way to feed the multitudes.  There was also half a dozen different sauces in the middle of the table to add to the flavour.  Cleaning up is easy as you just roll up the paper and throw it in the bin.

Sunday, 21st March 2010

Today Cherie and Moon took us to Florida Caverns, this is a state park that has limestone caves.  We had a 45 minute tour through the caves which was very interesting.  These caves are the home to the smallest bat we've ever seen.  He is only about 40 millimeters long.  Fascinating.  Had a lovely picnic lunch and a glass of wine thanks to Cherie.  We've seen lot's of state parks where we would be able to camp with the 5th wheeler so are hoping that there are plenty of places out west when we head that way.

Florida Caverns state park

Monday, 22nd March 2010 Hughie's birthday, I won't tell you how old the old fart is.

Sadly, we had to leave Cherie and Moon today but we have more adventures to organise.  Before we left Hughie just had to ride the motorbike that was parked in the driveway.

Spot the mouse


  1. That mouse is a busy little thing and pity Tara does'nt know fully whats happining

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUGHIE !!!!!!!!!! (O.F.)
    Glad to see you two getting around and enjoying yourselves. What engine have you got in the truck?

    Alan and Debbie

  3. Richard & LynnetteApril 15, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    Hi Hugh & June hope you're having a great time happy birthday Hughie for the 24th sorry I'm late been having computer issues, back on track now. Richard & Lynnette
