Sunday, March 7, 2010

Honolulu by Tsunami

Sydney airport waiting for take off

Arrived at Hawaii airport early Saturday morning to be rushed through customs and on to a bus for transportation to our hotel.  When we got there we were greeted with 'Aloha, welcome to Hawaii, now go to your room and stay there until the Tsunami alert is over'.  So there we were stuck inside with no food (hadn't had any breakfast as flew over with Jetstar) and starving as hell.  It was an eerie place to see such a normally bustling packed to the max place almost deserted.  By 10.00am all the streets near the water were blocked off, all the people in the lower three floors of the hotels had been evacuated upwards above third floor level and all shops were shut.  Alarms were going off every hour and there was continuous coverage on the local television.  So, needless to say, we caught up on some sleep in between the hunger pains.  We had a slight view of the ocean from our room but the Tsunami turned out to be so small that you could barely notice it.  Anyway, the local officials were very happy with the way things went and are well prepared in case a 'BIG ONE' comes.  After it was all over we ran up the street and bought maccas which shows how desperate we were.

Had a couple of relaxing days swimming, sunbaking and walking around the shops, checked out the markets but refrained from buying anything as we have enough gear to lug around at the moment.

Waikiki Beach

View from hotel room

1 comment:

  1. Hello June and Hugh,

    Nice to see you here :-)
    Now I can follow your journey yeahhhhhh

    Tracey informed me about your blog , your email you send me went in my Outlook junk email inbox so it did not see it.
    Now I know :-)
    Nice photo's and story keep writing yeahhhhh

    Take care out there!

    Talk soon Ronald
