Sunday, March 7, 2010

Houston, the Shaws have landed 2-6 March 2010

Transco Tower Water Wall

Well, we've arrived in Houston to a warm welcome from John & Stacha.  Seen a few sights, bought a new laptop so I can keep in touch with everyone and have been looking for a vehicle to buy.  The weather is pleasant and just a bit on the cool side, we are expecting warmer weather next week.  Had a spa at the local gym where Stacha teaches yoga but it's not hot enough yet to attempt the pool which is situated within the complex where they live.

Can house fully clad in beer cans


  1. hi ma and pa
    this is great and seems easy to use
    hay you guys havnt seen coreys shed have you ...the whole back of his big shed out the back is covered in VB beer cans ???? the things you do hay ....

  2. Hey - I forgot - say hi to Erb n Co for me.

