Tuesday, May 25, 2010

On the road – Sunday-Wednesday, 16th -19th May 2010

A few short drives since leaving Boyd Lake. Drove into Wyoming where we promptly lost a wheel off the RV which went careening down the road across the path of an off duty deputy sheriff. This was a good thing as he took Hughie back to get the wheel and told us that there was a rest area just about a mile away where we could camp till we got it fixed. As it was Sunday we had to wait till Monday till the shops were open to get parts. Meanwhile Burt Munroe belted all the studs out of the drum where they had sheered off and had everything ready to go for Monday. He drove into Torrington while I hung around and minded the house. By early Monday afternoon we were ready to rock n roll again so did a short drive and stopped in the Wildcat State Park which is in Nabraska (we keep jumping in and out of different states and forget where we are half the time). We had the whole campground to ourselves but a walk and a lovely sunset with a nice rainbow to top off the day.

                                                                 Rainbow in Wildcat SP

The next day we did another short drive and by 1.00 in the afternoon we had found another lovely spot called Chadron State Park. Had a couple of walks and a rest and met another nice American couple who are travelling in roughly the same direction as us (Carol and Dave). Now this is a good thing as nearly everybody else we’ve met has been going the opposite way.

                                                   Burt’s having a well earned break

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