Friday, June 18, 2010

Love them Spuds – A week in Idaho – Friday, 11th –Thursday 17th June 2010 Continued

After we spent the whole morning at the car show we moved on to another state park called Lake Walcott where we landed in the middle of a fishing competition so enjoyed looking at the weigh in and all the “fishing boats” which were all actually high speed ski racing boats (or that’s what we would use them for in Australia anyway).

This is what all the fishing boats look like (what do you reckon Shane?)
They catch and release the fish (Widemouth Bass)

Lake Walcott

The weather is hot and sunny which also excites us as we have had a lot of cold and wet weather lately.

                                   Time to relax somedays happy hour starts earlier than others.

1 comment:

  1. Nice place to chill and have a beverage looks like mouse and joe are having a ball xx miss yous heaps
