Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Well, I'm goin to Jackson - Thursday 18th June 2010

Yeh, we've got friends!  Made our rendevous with the Erb's (Stacha, John and Austin) in Jackson Wyoming and had a good catch up.  They camped in the RV with us for three nights on the fold out bed and an air mattress.  A tight fit but we all managed quite well. 

                                                Check out the bar stools (old saddles)

This park is in the town centre of Jackson and there is an arch like this at each corner. These are all elk antlers.  I'm told the elks shed the antlers (I hope so cause that's a hell of a lot of antlers)

On Friday we headed into the Tetons National Park which was pretty spectacular.  The mountains are so steep they are almost vertical and drop straight down into the lakes (Jenny and Jackson).  We got some great photos as the weather was perfect.

Jackson Lake in the Tetons

Jenny Lake

                     We then moved on into Yellowstone where we had some more great weather.


The next day we travelled into Montana on our way to John's sisters place in Spokane Washington and camped in a state park called Lewis and Clark Caverns.  We wanted to give the Erbs a taste of our style of camping which is usually pretty basic but very enjoyable and always good scenery.

The Erbs roughing it

We're now living a little more up market in Spokane for a few days.


  1. Great photos June! As we sit here with the dud aircon (either too hot or too cold)working through the end of FY shambles we think about you...and swear! :> All at TS.

  2. hi ma and pa
    the pictures are great and looks like lots of fun is being had (glad youz have regular happy hours)...looks like nanny mouse and joe blake are keeping well too and having many adventures .....i was wondering what the photo count would be by now ????? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm shit loads !!! hehehehe
