Sunday, August 8, 2010

Look out Canuks here we come - Alberta Canada - Monday 26th July - Thursday 5th August 2010

Well, sadly we've crossed the border into Canada, we were starting to feel like Americans, scary.  After finally getting used to talking in miles and pounds we now have to convert back to kilometres and kilos.  We've also noticed an immediate difference in the price of everything.  The price of beer is as bad as Australia and the wine is even worse.  The fuel is okay at about 85-90cents a litre compared to about $1.29 at home but was about 63cents in America.  The food is about on par with home as well.  Welcome to the real world.

Our first stop over the border was Fort MacLeod, which is a small town that has an old fort that is now a museum for the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).

Fort MacLeod

Continued on to Calgary to meet up with our cousin Ian and his wife Elaine.  Had a great time catching up on the last four years since we last saw them.  Went to tea at Sandy and Mikes (Elaine's sister) and on Thursday night we all travelled out to Rockyford for the Stinn family reunion (Elaine's family).  The Shaws were the only representitives of the McCarthy/Lonsdale side of the family.  250 people showed up for a three day weekend which was fully catered for in the community hall.  The weather was kind with only a sprinkle of rain so all in all everyone had a great time.

Not a bad representation for one family

The mouse got acquainted with Hughie's cousin Ian

We all camped out in the paddock between the church and the graveyard (no trouble from the neighbours of course)

Because the spring and summer season are so short here everybody frantically grows their flowers in planter boxes and even then they have to be put away at night sometimes to keep them out of the frost.  Elaine has a great array of flowers around her deck.

Got this great shot of a bumble bee

It's hard to imagine that all this will be covered in quite a few feet of snow in about 6-8 weeks

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