Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Saturday 1 & 2nd July – Way down upon the Suwannee River far far from home

After a three hour trip eastbound we’ve arrived at Suwannee River State Park.  This one has a cool spring where you can swim without being harassed by gators which is good as it’s pretty hot here.

                                     The water was chilly but nice to get out of the heat

We went for a hike to Balanced Rock

                                                  This is what it’s supposed to look like

This is what it actually looks like as it all collapsed into the river in 2015 never mind it was still pretty

Still plenty of busy squirrels I would love to be able to pat one but that’s not going to happen


  1. Hi Bob the comments aren't coming up in plain sight like they used to. I've just found the spot where I can see them

  2. The other comment was about West point. My mother was instrumental in obtaining funding to build the chapel. Its quite beautiful. Was present for its dedication.

  3. Hi Bob I just figured out how to respond to your comments. That's interesting that your mother was involved in the fundraising for the chapel. It's really beautiful
