Wednesday, July 12, 2017

4th July 2017 - St Augustine FL

We've camped at Maree and Larry's place in St Augustine Florida for two nights where we were shown some lovely southern hospitality.  It's Independence Day and we all went into the historical township where the Spanish first arrived on US soil.

The town had lots of character and the odd pirate walking around

We visited the Castillo de San Marcos Fort where they fired the canon for us haha

We had a beer in America's oldest pub

Did some wine tasting at the San Sebastion Winery

Marie does terrific work with unwanted dogs that she helps train to be given to ex servicemen and women (warriors) as companions to help prevent PTSD The whole complex is financed by donations from companies and individuals

 As it was 4th July we went to the beach for some old fashion fireworks.  Unlike Australia anyone can let them off

Minnie found a friend already

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