Friday, August 25, 2017

Thursday 17th August 2017 – Boston Massachusetts - Tea party anyone?

Had a big day today.  We were going to take the train into Boston from Andover but when we got there we had to wait for an hour for a train so decided to take the 4X4 into Boston.  It’s a car right? Should be easy enough to get a car park.  No, we drove around and around for about an hour looking for a parking station that a 4X4 could fit into.  We tried one that looked okay but when we drove in we touched the roof so had to back out and the car behind us had to as well.  Luckily there was a policeman there to stop the traffic while we did so.  Anyway, after all the fuss we found a spot for $40 for the day and did the Freedom Trail which is a trail through the city linking buildings and events to do with the war of independence from Britain.

Fumeill Hall where the draft concept for the Declaration of Independence was first read.

Markets in here

Paul Revere's house

294 steps to the top of the obelisk for nice view of the city.

We wanted to get on the USS Constitution but it is closed for maintenance so we went on a tour of a destroyer whose name escapes me at the moment instead.

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