Friday, August 25, 2017

Tuesday 22nd August 2017 - I want to be a part of it New York New York

Well, we've found a fantastic campground from which to explore New York City thanks to John's friend Bob Frank.  It's called Croton Point Campground at Croton on Hudson.  To get into the city all we have to do is ride our bicycles about one and a half miles to Croton-Harmon railroad station and take a one hour train journey into Grand Central Station.

We walked up out of the station straight on to 42nd Street near Park Avenue.  From there it was a short walk to Times Square and Broadway.

Grand Central Station

The National Library was an impressive building,  The ceilings inside reminded me of the Cisteen  Chapel in the Vatican

Times Square

The Chrysler Building

Minnie got a little excited and tried to run off with a big mouse

I managed to snatch her back and then she ran in to the Disney shop where I had a hard time finding her

After some time looking I eventually found her sidled up to Mickey, I guess she must be starting to get home sick.

We ate our picnic lunch in Central Park

We then paid our respects at the John Lennon memorial although you had to jump in quick to get a photo as everyone was trying to do the same thing.

After lunch we took the subway back to Ground Zero

This is the new Westfield building next to the 9/11 memorial.  Fantastic example of modern architecture

There are two of these monuments, one for each tower with the names of all the people who perished on 9/11/2001.  A fitting memorial.

This is the new World Trade Centre

Then it was on the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  I would have liked to climb to the top but the tickets were sold out for the day.  She is a massive lady.

The Immigration Centre on Ellis Island

Back to the city for a walk up Wall Street financial area

Wednesday 23rd August 2017 - Rest Day

Spent the day relaxing and exploring the beautiful Croton Park where we are staying.  We went to the Hudson River for a swim where we came across another 'Only in America'

The river is only about waist deep, they have a roped off area in which you have to swim but you're not allowed to swim on Monday or Tuesday as they don't have a lifeguard on those days and the ranger will chase you out.  We swam on Wednesday and the lifeguard was all of about 14 and clutched a noodle with which to rescue you if you got into difficulties.  I guess they're worried about being sued or something but it was a little overkill.  The poor girl looked bored sh......less.

We also shared the beach with lots of geese and lots of poo.

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