Monday, September 11, 2017

5-7th September 2017 - A few days in Washington DC

Took off for a few days in Carol's car to stay with John's friend Billy in Alexandria Old Town which is in Virginia but very close to Washington DC.

As we arrived on the first day we ended up in the middle of a protest that was marching from the White House through the streets complaining about the upcoming immigration policy changes.

First stop the George Washington monument

Next the White House

The Vietnam War memorial

The Lincoln memorial

The Korean War monument

Martin Luther King monument

Thomas Jefferson monument

Arlington Cemetary, this place is massive, over 500 acres


We saw John F Kennedy's grave site, the poor guy had only visited here 8 months before he was assassinated

Even Audie Murphy is there

Day 2

John arranged with the West Virginia senator Jo Manchin for us to have a personal tour of the Capitol building.  On the way we stopped into the Library of Congress.  What an amazing building, definitely the most ornate in Washington.

This is part of the inside of the library,  I took heaps of photos but they won't do it justice, I was truly gobsmacked by the beauty of this building

We were met in the senators office and taken via an underground tunnel to the Capitol building which was pretty neat.

The Capitol building

Inside the Capitol

Next stop was the Smithsonion Institute,  there are nine different museums in the group so we chose to go in the natural history one

We saw some fantastic specimens in the gemology section, many more photos to show Tara and Jamie when we get home.

Day 3

We walked around Alexandria Old Town with it's lovely old buildings and cobblestone roads

The Coast Guarde barquentine Eagle was in port so we had an escorted tour over the ship

Part of the waterfront really beautiful

On the way back to our apartment we called in to Hal's garage which luckily happened to be open.  He had an old Morgan and a TR3 Triumph.  Hughie was in his element talking cars with him.

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