Saturday, September 16, 2017

Friday, 8th September 2017 - West Virginia travels

Today we left Lancaster and the wonderful hospitality of Carol and Ed.  We drove to  Catoctin Mountain which is part of the Allegheney Mountains where we stayed at Cuningham Falls State Park.  We noticed as we got there that there was a constant stream of helicopters flying over.  It turns out that we were camped right next to Camp David.  We found out the next day that the president had something going on there for the weekend and they were all arriving by helicopter.

Cunningham Falls

We visited their refuge for injured birds

We stayed with Dennis at Morgantown for three nights.  During this time we went to some of the local attractions in the area.

Coopers Rock

We travelled along the Ravens Hawk Trail for some nice scenery

Ohiopyle Rafting Area

Along the way we found the smallest church in 48 states

Blackwater Falls in the Allegheny Mountains

Along the way we found some rather large Satellite dishes

We visited the American Glass Museum in Weston

Glass Doll House

They had a large collection of handcrafted glass

Glass walking sticks

We went into the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum for a tour and luckily they let us back out.  This place was built to hold up to 250 people but had 2500 at one time.  This is where they used to perform lobotomies on the patients which was not always successful as it turned some people into zombies

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