Thursday, June 14, 2018

Monday 11th June 2018 - Still in Wyoming

Monday 11th June 2018 Still in Wyoming

Today we've travelled to Granite Hot Springs and visited Granite Falls on the way.  We had to go about 5 miles down a dirt road but we took it easy and it was really quite good.  The end result was well worth the effort.  We had a great soak in the hot water and a fabulous campsite in the forest for the night.  Unfortunately we didn't have any encounters with wildlife.

Granite Falls

Inspector Clusoe

We really enjoyed the hot springs except for the lady who wanted to preach religion to everyone she could get hold of.  It wore a bit thin after a while.

This is a fabulous spot for a free camp in the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

Saw this beautiful bluebird

Tuesday 12th June 2018 - Tetons and beyond

Today we've driven into the Grand Tetons National Park.  We've been here before but wanted to see a bit more of the place.  We took a hike into Taggart Lake which was really beautiful and the bonus was we saw a moose across the other side of the lake.

You can see how the scenery is starting to change.  No more red rocks but lots of trees and green.  It's also been a lot colder as we have gone up a few thousand feet.

Coming towards the Tetons

Crossed this creek/river on the trail into the lake

Minnie stopped for a break

After being quite cold it started to get hot so had to shed some layers

Taggart Lake

Now although there were quite a few other people near us I was the only one to spot the moose on the other side of the lake frolicking in the water.  I had to use the 60X zoom to capture it but I was pretty chuffed.
After a great day we drove out the northern end of the park and camped once again in the Bridger-Teton National Forest.  The problem was this time that there were so many mosquitoes that we couldn't even get out the door.  But the big bonus was that we had two moose come right past the motorhome which was really exciting to see them in the wild.

Jenny Lake

This is our campsite and those are not specs on the lens or window, that's the mozzies, they had horses manes and tails

These are the two moose that visited us just before dark

Wednesday 13th June 2018 - Into Yellowstone National Park

We drove back into the Tetons and past Coulter Bay to get to Yellowstone.  It was fairly early about 8.30 am when we arrived and we only had a few cars in front of us at the entrance which was good as we'd been told stories of it being so crowded and the line was taking about 3 hours just to get into the park.  So far so good.  We stopped and had a look at Lewis Falls, Isa Lake and Keplar Cascades.  We then saw a bicycle track into a geyser which we hadn't seen before.  As most people were walking in there we were the first ones to get in there which was nice.  This geyser is called Lone Star and is the second biggest geyser in the park besides Old Faithful.  It erupts approximately every three hours so we waited and erupt it did in spectacular fashion.

Here it is summer and there's still snow on the ground, that's why we've been cold the last few nights

Lewis Falls

Just a bit of elevation 

Keplar Cascades

Lone Star Geyser starts to go off

It got to about 40ft high which was quite a show

By early afternoon the park was so full of people that you could hardly find a place to park anywhere.  Luckily for us we have been here before and seen all the main attractions so we left via the north entrance and headed to another forest to camp for the night.  I feel sorry for the people who are doing Yellowstone for the first time.  It was so busy and it's not even right into the peak season yet.

This is our camp for the night in the Gallatin Forest just over the border in Montana

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