Sunday, June 10, 2018

Saturday 9th June 2018 - Utah to Wyoming

Wednesday 6th June 2018 – Canyonlands to Green River Utah

After a long strenuous hike into Delicate Arch we drove to the other section of Canyonlands called ‘Island in the Sky’ and walked into Mesa Arch.  We then drove on to Green River State Park where we’ve camped for the night and had a well-earned shower to get all the dust off.

Beautiful Canyonlands

The trail to the bottom

Believe it or not there are people standing on the top of that rock

There they are.  I love my 60X zoom lens

Mesa Arch

The fantastic view through the arch

Thursday 7th June 2018 – Green River to Price Utah

This morning we decided to have a game of golf as the golf course was actually part of the state park.  Well, that was fun and the course was very scenic with lots of water hazards.  Apart from that I wouldn’t say too much as to how we played especially sharing a hired set.

Nice course with lots of water hazards

We had lunch by the river and then drove north to Price.  Here we visited the Prehistoric Museum for archaeology and palaeontology which was very interesting and a couple of hours well spent.  I got lots of photos of the dinosaurs for Tara.

The Woolly Mammoth

Found this Polaris in the Walmart car park, looked a bit like a bat mobile

Here’s a bit of trivia for you.  I decided to look through our road atlas and count up all the states we’ve been in over our various visits to the USA.  It turns out we’ve been in 44 of them.  It’s easier to list the ones we haven’t been in.  They are Illinois, Delaware, Kansas, Michigan, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.  How’s that?

Friday 8th June 2018 – Price to Uinta Mountains Utah

Today we travelled up scenic route 191 through the Ashley National Forest and into Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation.  We stopped for lunch at Roosevelt and then drove up the Uinta Mountains and camped in the forest all on our lonesome.  Hoping to see some wildlife.

The scenery has changed dramatically

Our camp spot in the forest, unfortunately we only saw one deer, I think they shot the rest

 Only in America can you tow your caravan and your off road buggy all at once

Saturday 9th June 2018 - Utah to Wyoming

Today we drove to Dutch John.  We came across Flaming Gorge Dam and then drove on to the town of Green River via the Aspen Mountains.  After a lunch stop we drove to Rock Springs via White Mountain and on to Farson and then to Boulder and Pinedale where we are camping beside a beautiful lake for the night.

The scenery is changing as we go further north

Climbing the mountain

Looking down into Flaming Gorge

The lake at Flaming Gorge

The dam wall at Flaming Gorge

The countryside has totally changed from where we've been.  You'll also notice how busy the road is.

Camping at Lake Fremont near Pinedale in Wyoming.  I'd swam in a lake yesterday on our travels up towards this area but when I attempted a swim here I found I was numb from the waist down so gave that a miss.  The water is coming off snow melt.  We are now officially using two doonas for sleeping.

Sunday 10th June 2018 - Pinedale Wyoming

This morning we went for a visit to 'The Mountain Man Museum'.  This was all about a 16 year period in the late 1800's when men came to the area to hunt beaver for the fashion industry to make hats.  They used to rendevous once every year with traders and the indians to get the hides out.  They almost hunted the beaver to extinction.  Fortunately for the beaver the fashion eventually changed and they started making the hats out of silk and the whole beaver hide industry fell into a big heap.

Ooh what's that smell?

Friendly bear

And a mountain lion

This is a depiction of Hugh Glass who was a renowned mountain man who had lots of tall stories and tales about his life as a mountain man.  He was made famous by the movie 'The Reverent' starring Leonardo De Caprio.  

Two hours later we emerged feeling very informed.  We then went down to the laundromat which by the way had about 30 deer, elk and moose heads hanging around the walls.  Now I know why we didn't see any animals in the forest the other night.  They're all hanging out in the laundromat.  

 We then went down to the river for lunch and a walk.  Lots of water overflowing the banks due to the large amount of snow melt this year. We're staying another night at Fremont Lake as we really like it.

Another funny sign I saw while driving along.  'Get your cheap firearms now for Mother's Day'.  Now Mother's Day is the same date over here as it is in Australia but you've got to wonder what they had in mind.  Maybe the sign was targeting son in laws haha.

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