Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tuesday 26th June 2018 - Glacier National Park Montana

Sunday 24th June 2018 - Into the South entrance Glacier NP

After another night back in the forest at Hungry Horse we made an early start into Glacier National Park.  There is no reserved camping and first in gets the best spots.  As we stayed at Apgar the last time we were here we decided to drive about 15 miles further into the park to camp at Avalanche Campground.  They have a free shuttle bus that takes you up the 'Going to the Sun' road but it doesn't start operating till 1st July.  As a matter of fact the whole road has only been open a matter of days due to snow.  We made friends with the camp hosts when we were at the farmers market in Columbia Falls so got the best camp in the place next to them.  They suggested that as the buses weren't running up there yet that we ride our bicycles up there.  If you saw the road you would understand why we didn't do that.  It would have been good if someone could have taken us up there and we rode back down. As we've been up there before we weren't too worried.  What we did do was take the 5 mile hike into Avalanche Lake for some spectacular views.  We keep getting gobsmacked and then we find more.  It's been 8 years since we've been in this region and the memories had faded a little but we are glad to have them refreshed.

Going towards the south entrance

Lake MacDonald

Our campsite quick get the drinks out

The start of the hike at Avalanche Creek

Massive amount of water for a creek from all the snow melt

Beautiful alpine forest

A little chipmunk

Almost to the lake

Well worth the hike

Zoomed in to avoid faces but this bothered me more than any wild animal I might encounter.  He had two young kids with him, hundreds of people around and you need to carry a gun?  The rest of the people probably had pepper spray and bells.

Snow melt coming off the mountains

Obligatory tourist photo

And after a great day hiking I just had to prove I can colour my hair anywhere

Monday 25th June 2018 - Still in Glacier NP

We had a second night at Avalanche and did the Valley of the Cedars walk which was just a short stroll, nothing too serious just a lazy walk and a sit by the river in the sun and a fire to finish off with.  So much walking we need to rest the muscles sometimes.

Now here's a funny one.  The last couple of days we've been finding holes in our bags of nibblies.  No poo just holes but yes it was a mouse.  Our camp host friends had a mouse catcher which just catches them and doesn't kill them so we caught the little guy and let him loose in the bush.  We have told Minnie in no uncertain terms to not bring her boyfriends home.

Sights along the 'Valley of the Cedars' walk

Not sure what kind of bird this is.

This is a tree that went over and makes a nice piece of art work

A cottonwood and a cedar

Wrap around coat?

Avalanche Creek again

Tuesday 26th June 2018 - Heading out to the east side of Glacier NP Montana
So we've left the Avalanche area of Glacier NP and have headed to Browning to check out the 'Museum of the Plains Indian' and have pulled off the road in the Blackfeet Indian Reserve Forest area to camp for the night.  We will head into St. Mary, East Glacier NP in the morning to travel some of the other end of the 'Going to the Sun' road.

 The creeks still raging

Plains Indian Museum at Browning

Tepee scenery passing through the Blackfeet Indian reservation area

Scenery along the way

Our view for the night from our free forest campsite

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