Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Buenos Nochos amigo - San Antonio 27- 30th March 2010

Well, we've finally taken off with the big arse RV.  Had to say goodbye to John and Stacha and don't know how we would have managed without them.  They certainly made it easy for us to get set up.

                                                           See you soon great friends

I need to show you the mess of highways we had to deal with in Houston, this is scary when you're driving on the wrong side of the road and they get very very busy.  We're on the side road when this picture was taken.  You drive up onto the freeway and go like crazy.

 We arrived in San Antonio after a nice smooth ride down the I10 and then being totally stuck in the middle of a traffic jam due to an accident (luckily not us).  I got out of the car and knocked on some jokers window and asked him if he could move up a couple of feet and then we manouvered our way through into a service station and took a short cut to get onto the highway.  You just need a bit of push, besides we were bigger than they were.  They had everyone there from the ambulance to the fire brigade and nobody bothered to direct traffic.  They all were just standing around while a couple of people tried to get the injured out of the car.  Thought I might have ended up with a new job after my effort.  Anyway, we ended up in an RV park pretty close to the town centre so this morning we just had to stand out the front and catch the bus into town.  The centre of town which is called the river walk is quite pretty and the architecture was very interesting The San Antonio river is directed around the centre of the town in canals, a little like Venice.  They have restaurants, entertainment and markets along the shores, very nice. 

San Antonio river walk

We visited the Alamo, home to Davy Crocket, Bill Travis and James Bowie (who invented the bowie knife).  They did a mess of fighting here and died defending their territory and there is still a lot of the compound there in fairly good shape.  Was disappointed that I didn't see John Wayne (he was the Alamo wasn't he?)

The Alamo

Also visited the San Jose Monastry which was really interesting and very old but didn't have the camera with me.  The RV park has a spa and pool so we came home for a swim and happy hour.  I'm getting desperate as I regressed from drinking Tawny Port to Sangria.  Not bad for $2.38 a bottle.  Where's Alan?

Underlay Underlay Arevareva (spot the mouse)


  1. Hey Penny here, Krista and I havin cuppa and viewing your great photos. Looks great! I'm sure your havin a great time. Love the canals, very pretty.

  2. Hey June, save some of that lawnmower fuel for me!


  3. dont tell alan where you bought it from or he will be importing it
