Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Del Rio & Big Bend National Park 31st March - 6th April 2010

Wednesday, 31st March 2010

First stop after San Antonio was a little state park just past Del Rio called Amistad.  Just a little bush campground overlooking a lake with thunderbox toilets but the right price $4.00 as we had everything on board that we needed.  A nice place to sit and relax and have a nice glass of wine/beer after a long day travelling.

Amistad state park

Saw some deer and jackrabbits

Thursday 1st-4th April

Had three great days in Big Bend National Park, right down the bottom of Texas on the Rio Grande which is the Mexican border.  Took masses of photos, there are supposed to be Mountain Lions, bears and Javelinas here but we didn't see any.  Did a couple of huge hikes up mountains and through canyons.  The landscape is very dramatic and I don't think the photos do it justice.

This is our campsite

Chisos Mountain

One of the Mexicans who frequently cross the border into Texas

Boquillas Canyon

Nearby to the campground there were some hot springs that come out of the ground on the edge of the river and every afternoon we went there for a soak and then a cool off in the river.  The temperature reached 37c a couple of times.

Hot springs were great, Mexico in the background

Every afternoon we had entertainment in the campground with a group of people who were staying in the park playing guitars and singing.  It was a lovely atmosphere and we ended up joining them and had a dance on the grass and helped them out with the words to Waltzing Matilda.

Sunday, 4th April 2010

Sadly, we had to be on our way.  We travelled further west and out to a place called Presidio where the road followed the Rio Grande and went up a very steep and bendy road and back down again.  On the way we stopped at a ghost town called Terlingua which was pretty funny because it was actually full of people living there.

          Terlingua ghost town

Sunday night we stayed in another state park called Fort Davis.

1 comment:

  1. hey ma and pa
    youll have to watch the mountain lions and beers in the bush up there ....hehehe
    or have you had to many beers
