Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hitched for 40 years 7 March 2010

Went to Galveston for lunch, stopping on the way at the San Jacinta memorial park which is where the battle took place between Sam Houston and Santa Anna and the Mexicans to free Texas from Mexico to become a free state.  They also have the battleship Texas there.  I know Houston is big on oil but you  would not believe how many stacks are out there on the outskirts of town.  It honestly looked worse than China and I am surprised that they don't have a continuous smog over the city.  I guess they must have good pollution controls.

Small snapshot of the oil company chiminies

Galveston is an interesting place.  Hard sand, brown ocean and no waves.  They do cop a devastating hurricane every once in a while so all of the houses are built up on stilts as flooding occurs.  You can still see derelect buildings from the last one two years ago.  This area is the local spot for Houstonians to have a break at.

Santa Jacinta Memorial
Stilt house

                                                                                           Waterfront house

Get a load of the lunch it's huge

     Lunch in Galveston


  1. hi ma and pa
    happy anniversary ....hope me and cors have half as many hehehe....looks like you guys are having fun ...hay dont eat too many of them lunches or youz will end up the side of a house and need a jumbo to get home ....talk soon luv trace cors kids furkids

  2. Happy anniversary you two!!! and what a way to celebrate it with half a cow for breakfast!

    I can see why you need the big truck now.... you'll need it when you go do the weekly shopping - anythign else and the axle woudl break.

    x Jerry

  3. Hi June and Hugh say congrats on your wedding aniversary and happy birthday to Hughie. Yes I am much better now thank goodness. We found the meals over there ridiculosly big so much wastage.
    Grog is very cheap though. Did some great clothes shopping also. I thought Florida was always hot too. Thats where our friends girlfriend lives. Back to Kurrie this weekend .
    Safe travelling love Lynnette and Richard.
