Friday, March 12, 2010

Rodeos and rough ridin' cowboys 8th March 2010

Went along to the Houston Rodeo today.  Talk about big, it goes for a month as is the biggest rodeo in the United States.  The outside was similar to our show day but of course much much bigger.  You could buy turkey legs to eat that were so huge that we could have had a meal out of one between us but when you buy it they give you two so we could survive a couple of days on that meal.  They had stalls for everything from alligator boots to fat arse utes and everything in between, lots of jewellery as well so we had plenty to look at.  Inside the stadium (which is also huge holding 75,000 people and is next door to the original Astrodome) they had all the events ranging from calf roping, buckin broncos, bull riding, barrel racing, chuck wagon races and the mutton busters which is quite hilarious.  They stick their 5-6 year olds on the back of a sheep and see how far they can get before falling off.  Some of the kids didn't look too impressed so have to wonder if they knew what they were in for.

                                                Outside of Reliant Stadium                                                      

                                                           Inside Reliant Stadium

After all the rodeo events were finished they wheeled out a massive revolving stage and had a rock concert featuring Tim McGraw.

Fireworks at the beginning of the concert


  1. They sure know how to do things BIG in the US.
    Sounds like an amazing experience.

  2. looks great ma and pa
    you are getting good with the photography...inside with not much light mmmm impressed ...and is there turkey for tea the next few days ...hehehe
