Saturday, April 17, 2010

Viva Las Vegas - Friday, 16th April 2010

Well, we're into the big smoke again.  We travelled in across the Hoover Dam.  This took a little while as they are still paranoid that someone is going to blow the dam up and they stop everyone and you have to open up all the orifices in your RV to prove you don't have it full of explosives.  Luckily all the grog didn't fall out.

Hoover Dam

We've settled into a luxury RV Campground with  a small golf course, bocce course, spa, two pools, a beach and a waterfall. 

What are the peasants doing?

Took a walk around the strip last night.  Talk about over the top but that's what they do best.  I think the majority of the people were doing the same as us, just walking along taking in the sights.  Every street corner you have all these people flicking cards at you with busty girlie photos and phone numbers on them, haven't yet figured out just what I want to do with one of them.  Maybe she can come back to the RV park and clean the van and the car (haha).

They have fake everything

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