Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yah though we drove through the valley of death we feared no weavils - Death Valley 18th April 2010

Farewell to Las Vegas, and off to Death Valley. It’s 200 feet below sea level. To get in there we climbed 4,000 feet and then cruised down the other side till we reached the bottom. The landscape is very arid and moonlike. It became quite hot and still and made sleeping at night difficult. The golf course closes at 9.00am due to the heat. While we were there we met a lovely couple from Carson City called Fred and Sue and they shared their dinner (spare ribs and beans) with us and we sat around the campfire.  Awesome!

Unreal landscape

Finally got a good shot of a road runner beep beep!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I have never seen a roadrunner :-)

    beep beep

