Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Zion National Park Utah – 26th April 2010

Had a few days travelling to get to our next stop Stayed in a couple of RV parks with hookups and lots of train noise. Stayed last night in a field off the highway for free which was good and there was also no train noise.

Arrived in Zion after a short drive and got ourselves set up in South Campground by the river. Caught the shuttle bus into the canyon. Did a couple of hikes into Weeping Rock, the Court of the Patriachs and the river walk which took us all the way up a narrowing gorge till the river was so full you couldn’t walk any further. Got back on the bus and went to the museum where we watched a 20 minute film on the formation of the park, very interesting.  Day two and we went for another large hike up the canyon to the Emerald Pools, lovely.  This afternoon we are going to have a look in the rock shops in the town just outside of the park.  Looking for some bargains in turquoise and fire opal.

Holidays are tough but somebody's got to do it

A few observations.

Only in American can you:

* Hire a company that comes and picks up your dog poo

* Drive around a campground in your car looking for somewhere to park your bus.

* Have a shopping trolley for your dogs so you can push them around and don’t have to put them on a lead.

* Stuff yourself stupid in an all you can eat Pizza place for $5.49.

* Work for 12 hours a day for stuff all and be happy about it.

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