Monday, May 17, 2010

Rocky Mountain High Colorado – Thursday-Saturday, 13-15th May 2010

Thursday we travelled over Vaile Pass in the Rocky Mountains which is 10,600 feet elevation heading for Denver. The conditions were a little hairy but we handled it okay. At the top of the mountain it was snowing and the road was what they call slush. First time we’ve ever driven along the highway at 60 mph in four wheel drive.

                                        Not good road conditions but better than the day before

At lunchtime we stopped at a beautiful little historic town called Idaho Springs(and yes they do have hot springs). We had a chat with a few of the shop owners including two that looked like something out of the ozarks, Old Fat Burns and Jumpin Jahosafat came to mind. Would love to have got a photo of them. You could just see them sitting on the porch with their banjos and guns.

                                                                    The local church

                                                         Idaho Springs main street

Well, as much as we like this town we needed to get down the mountain and out of the snow so we travelled on through Denver and out to Boyd Lake State Park where we’ve booked in for three nights.


  1. Hi June and Hugh. We are in France heading south to some warmth! Should be in Spain in a couple of days. Keep the snow where you are!

    We will keep in touch.

    (having great trouble with a French non-querty keyboard)

  2. There's nothing wrong with a little snow, you just need to know how to ski! The road looks easy, it is when there is 2 foot of snow over it & it is minus 20 degrees that it becomes interesting. Hope your practising your dancing?
    Luv from Morisset.
