Monday, July 12, 2010

Olympic Mountains & Peninsula - 29th June 2010

Had another day in the mountains.  We went to the Olympic National Park for the day with the Erbs.  The drive there was very scenic after we got out of the city traffic.  There are lots of little fishing towns on the edge of the Hood Canal and then you climb 6,450ft to the top of Hurricane Ridge where there was almost a white out and the temperature dropped dramatically.  Between the clouds we got wonderful glimpses of the mountain.  Our picnic lunch was eaten inside for obvious reasons.

Olympic Mountains

When the clouds rolled past

At the bottom of the mountain it was pleasent weather

Marymere Falls (Stacha doing her yoga)

We found a good place to warm up again in the Sol Duc Hot Springs before heading home

Check out the fine specimans of humankind

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