Friday, July 2, 2010

Still sleepless in Seattle - Wednesday, 30th June 2010

Went to the Boeing Museum of Flight today.  Now I know what you're thinking, just another museum but we really enjoyed this one.  There was a huge collection of just about any aircraft you could think of including WW1, WW2 as well as commercial aircraft and spacecraft.

The Blackbird a stelth bomber undetectable by radar

The Concorde - this plane travelled at mark II and was way smaller than I thought it was and only carried 120 people, it used to look huge when you saw it on TV

We arrived on President Kennedy's Air Force One after receiving an earth changing phone call in the command room of the plane (oh, no the coffee machine just carked it)

The other interesting exhibits were the car that turns into a plane that you can park in your garage.  Now this
got to prototype 6 and was under negotiation for production with Ford when the deal fell over and that was the end of it.

And this weird contraption actually flew as well, run by pedal power

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