Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wednesday 5th July 2017 – Rainbow Springs State Park FL

Today we left the wonderful hospitality of Marie and Larry in St Augustine and went with Moon and Cherie to Rainbow Springs.  As usual it was very hot so we took a swim in the springs.

Now the next part of the trip you will have to imagine.  John, Stacha, Austin and Rebecca joined us on Wednesday night and Thursday morning the eight of us went tubing down the river.  Well, I don’t know how far it was but we were on the water for about three hours when a giant storm came in over the top of us.
It got real scary with lightning and thunder all at the same time.  There were hundreds of people on the river all scrambling to get to some cover.  Lucky for us a kind lady in one of the homes along the shore came out and took us into her patio area and gave us towels to warm us up.  She said that was the worst storm they have had in a long time.  Trust us to cop it.

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