Friday, August 11, 2017

Monday 7th August 2017 - Kingston Ontario Canada

Now today was interesting and a bit of a laugh.  The township of Kingston is of moderate size but not too big and easy to get around and park with the motorhome.  First we went to the Penetentary Museaum for a look see around the collection in the old jail superintendents house.

One of the torture methods

We also went to Bellvue House which was lived in by one of the prime ministers of Canada John McDonald a Scotsman of course,

We then went up to Fort Henry for a good view over the town of Kingston

Now comes the funny part,  We caught a ferry to Wolf Island and then drove to the other side of the island to catch a second ferry.  Well, we saw it coming in the distance with smoke pouring out of it everywhere.  As it got closer we could see how small it was.  Now this is the ferry that will take us from Canada back to America so we were a little surprised at the size of it. I was worried that we wouldn't fit but the guy running the thing said no worries we can fit you on but your mate will have to take the next one, so off we went.  He fitted four cars in the back and four cars in the front then got us to drive in across the middle with the front hanging out one gate and the back hanging out the other.  Off we chugged and got to the other side but had a great laugh about the whole thing.

This is the gravel ramp we had to drive up to get on the ferry

Here we are squeezed on

Here comes Moon and Cherie

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