Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Saturday 5th August 2017 - Toronto Ontario Canada

Today we travelled to Toronto and unbeknowns to us it was not only a long weekend in Canada for their 150 years celebrations, it was also Carrabana which is the biggest Carrabean Festival in the world outside of Rio.  Now we had a direct route punched in to the GPS to take us to the back blocks of a film studio in the middle of town where we had been given the go ahead by a friend of Stacha's to camp for the night.  This all sounds too easy right?  No, we kept getting funneled deeper and deeper into the thick of the crowds and every street we were supposed to go down was blocked off.  Only due to our expert drivers did we manage to extricate ourselves from the mayhem.  We had scantily clad women dancing around the motorhome and a few super heroes as well.  I should have taken some photos but I was too tensed up trying to navigate our way out of the kaos.  Needless to say about an hour later than expected we arrived at the studios.

The front of the studios and by the way the security guard was Scottish and born in Glasgow so Hughie had plenty to talk with him about.  The others in our group could barely understand a word that was spoken.

Finally settled in.

Another funny thing that happened was that they had a portable block of toilets that we were told we could use,  Now this was fine but the following morning Hughie went out to use them and came back to say that there were no toilets,  We thought he meant that they had been locked but no they had apparently been towed away to another set in the middle of the night.

Because there was so much congestion in the city we took our pushbikes for a ride instead.  We came across a place they call The Beaches which is a boardwalk, park lands and a bike trail along the foreshore.  They had lots of activities going on including beach volleyball, tennis, water sports and even a bowling green although no-one was using that.

Now this is the motorway out of Toronto, it's about 16 lanes all up.

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