Saturday, September 1, 2018

Friday 31st August 2018 - Back to Seattle

Well, we've come to the end of another great holiday in our own motorhome.  We will now start a new adventure in a rented motorhome in Las Vegas for the next 10 days with our son and daughter in law before flying back to Australia on 10th September.  Our last week travelling through Idaho, a small part of Montana and back through Washington have shown us some interesting and varied sights.  Here are a few highlights.

Clearwater River which we followed the banks of for quite a long way

Dworshak Dam

Dworshak Fish Hatchery which is run jointly by the Indians and the Government

The hatching room

The growing and feeding ponds

The fish that leave and return via the fish ladder are usually in very poor shape by the time they get back at the end of their lives

We travelled about 3 miles down the worst road we've been on since we've been in the states.  It was so corrugated that it shook the s*****t out of everything.  Needless to say we went very very slowly but the view at the end was probably worth the effort.

We didn't see any

Huge deep canyon

The falls had a drop of a couple of hundred feet

Minnie had fun

We had a free camp in the carpark of the Yakima Legends Casino and with free membership I got a T shirt, a deck of cards, a light up necklace and various free coupons including 2 for 1 at the buffet for dinner, bargain

We called in to a great little railway museum in Toppenish

462 Steam Locomotive - Northern Pacific number 2361 used for passenger services up until 1957

This one is under restoration

The old station that houses the museum

The town of Toppenish was dying economically so they decided to paint the whole town with murals as a tourist drawcard.

Clearwater Creek Falls

Our last place we stopped before arriving back in Seattle was Mount Ranier.  It was foggy all morning as the mountain is so high it creates its own weather.  The good news was that we got a lovely clear view in the afternoon after the cloud cover and fog moved on.

Douglas fir trees

Looks like I bored them to sleep with my Frank Sinatra CD

A black tailed deer we saw along the trail

The Nisqually Glacier which recedes a metre every ten days.  It used to come all the way to the bridge below but now you can barely see it in the distance

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